Saturday, November 11, 2006

Payment and money transfer services

One of first things you might need if you want to make money online is some sort of account (in order to get paid). Now, some of the better programs out there do offer to mail you a check, or make deposits to your checking account. This works well if you are a US resident/citizen, if not it might pose a problem.

Luckily there are some nice alternatives out there where the funds are transfered to you electronically. This could be a nice alternative for Americans as well (instead of risking checks lost in the mail, etc.). Here are some good ones:


Anyways, they're all free to sign up for. So, go right ahead and sign up for several of them if you'd like. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses, features and terms of service (more about this in a future post), so having more than one of them could prove beneficial.

Also, they all have their own referral programs, which I'll assume work. That means you can start making money by reffering users to them.

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